Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Ethical Behavior at the Workplace - 1061 Words

7. A perceived lack of integrity caused irreparable damage to both Andersen and Enron. How can you apply the principles learned in this case personally? Generate an example of how involvement in unethical or illegal activities, or even the appearance of such involvement, might adversely affect your career. What are the possible consequences when others question your integrity? What can you do to preserve your reputation throughout your career? A perceived, or even likely more detrimental to one’s career, a proven lack of integrity, can cause damage to a career in many ways. Integrity is an important foundation in client and employee/employer relationships. Integrity equates to placing trust in an individual that he or she will conduct†¦show more content†¦9. What has been done, and what more can be done to restore the public trust in the auditing profession and in the nation’s financial reporting system? The enactment of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was an effort to make sweeping changes to restore public trust in both the accounting profession and financial reporting performed by companies. Given the problems in the case of Arthur Andersen and Enron where both the external audit firm and management made unethical decisions which caused public trust to erode, these sweeping changes were necessary. In addition to the changes required of external audit firms, as discussed in question #8, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act created additional requirements of companies related to the accuracy of financial reporting. The Act began requiring CEOs and CFOs to certify in the financial statements of public companies related to the accuracy of financial statements (â€Å"report†). Specifically, the certification requirements require certification that: †¢ they have personally reviewed the report; †¢ based on their knowledge, the report does not contain any material misstatements or omissions; †¢ based on their knowledge, the financial statements and other financial information included in the report fairly present in all material respects theShow MoreRelatedEthical Behavior, Deviant Workplace Behavior810 Words   |  4 Pagesanother state. My career exposed me to ethical behavior, both good and bad, in the workplace, I also was able to view firsthand, deviant workplace behavior. My experience with both concepts came during my previous career in city government. After thirty years in city government, I had the misfortune to have my career be manipulated by the unethical behavior by an executive director in conjunction with deviant workplace behavior by my subordinates. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

The Life Experiences of Sir Walter Raleigh Free Essays

The life experiences of Sir Walter Raleigh influenced the style of his writing. The style of his writing is revealed in his poems â€Å"the lie†, â€Å"sir Walter Raleigh to the queen†, and â€Å"the nymph’s reply to the shepherd. Raleigh was born around 1552 in Hayes Barton, Devonshire (pg. We will write a custom essay sample on The Life Experiences of Sir Walter Raleigh or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1063). Raleigh was famed for being a courtier, a navigator, a poet, and a historian. After a failed expedition in South America he was arrested in connection with destruction of a Spanish settlement (pg. 1063) with his confrontation with the Spanish in Venezuela. He lost his son and was forced to return to England (pg. 248). Despite a royal command not to engage in battle with Spanish settlers, Raleigh’s fleet entered Spanish territory (pg. 248). He was also accused of conspiring against James I and barely avoided his death sentence (pg. 1063) following the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603 Raleigh was again accused of conspiring against King James and was sent to the London tower again for 13 years (pg. 248). Raleigh served in the Huguenot army in France in 1569 (pg. 1063). In 1584 he set up a colony on Roanoke Island, Virginia (pg. 48). In 1585 he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth I, for his many years as a court favorite (pg. 1063). He lived to 1618; his death was by execution for disobeying king James I (pg. 249). â€Å"The lie† is considered Raleigh’s best known work, it was written in approximately 1595(pg. 2251). Many consider â€Å"the lie† an atheistic poem for its many religious accusations. Though â€Å"th e lie† has such accusations they are directed solely against earthly bound institutions and human undertakings (pg. 2252). Raleigh’s poem â€Å"the lie† is based on the concept of disillusionment. This is the process that proceeds by inexorable degrees of stripping one layer of falsity after another until the last in gone (pg. 2251). The last line in each stanza of the poem is actually a variant of the phrase â€Å"and give the world the lie† (pg. 2251). Some suggest that Raleigh was not the author of â€Å"the lie† because the poem’s puritanical viewpoints (stableford). Because the poem makes no distinctions and offers no policies. The poem is less concerned with organizing human behavior but more concerned with admitting and accepting the truth (stableford). The entire piece was written for the poet himself as a way to reevaluate himself with a coldly clinical and harsh eye (stableford). During Raleigh’s time many great poets were about, such as Christopher Marlowe, who wrote the poem the passionate shepherd to his love. Many poets write poems in response to others. This poem is called a reply poem, or a poem that replies to another. Raleigh’s â€Å"the nymph’s reply to the shepherd† is one of such a poem (pg. 251). â€Å"The nymph’s reply to the shepherd† is an example of a pastoral poem, or a poem about love and a care free â€Å"country† existence. Sir Walter Raleigh to the queen† was written between 1581 and 1587 (pg. 3407). Many question whether â€Å"Sir Walter Raleigh to the queen† is really a five stanza poem, but two poems combined (MacDonald). Queen Elizabeth, literate and unmarried, enjoyed playing the clever game of love using poetry as a way to tie the nobles to h er (MacDonald). Sir Raleigh being a court favorite with numerous enemies had to constantly go between flattery and savvy gamesmanship (MacDonald). â€Å"Sir Walter Raleigh to the queen† central theme is true love is painfully silent (MacDonald). Raleigh emphasized a traditional Elizabethan view of mankind as torn between passion and logic (MacDonald). Raleigh had secretly married to one of the queen’s maids of honor; he and his wife were imprisoned in the tower of London for a time but then released (pg. 248). Though Sir Walter Raleigh’s ended in tragedy his works are still read to this day and have greatly influenced the world of poetry. From â€Å"the lie† to â€Å"Sir Walter Raleigh to the queen† all have reshaped the traditional love poem with a mix of witty rhythms and hidden love. How to cite The Life Experiences of Sir Walter Raleigh, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Bad Sugar free essay sample

Unnatural Causes In this video Bad Sugar the Pima and Tohono Oodham Indians of southern Arizona have the highest diabetes rate in the world. This affects more then half the adults in this Indian group, but a century ago diabetes wasnt even heard of. What has happened to the health of the Pima Indians? During the 20th century the river water was used by white settlers and Pimas local Indians went into poverty and became dependent on the U. S. government. This resulted in the Indians eating tepary beans, cholla buds and wild life these everyday ood items changed to white flour, lard, processed cheese and canned foods. Needless to say this had a big impact on the Pima Indians. This exclusive documentary shows crucial evidence on how we pour more money into drugs, fad diets, medical technologies, but is it deeper then that? Evidence shows therere more to bad habits and unlucky genes. We will write a custom essay sample on Bad Sugar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If we can find a solution to poverty we can solve many of the problems that individuals deal with on a day-to-day bases. As a future educator I will teach them strategies and help improve their daily exercise. Teaching hem strategies will help them to become independent with their exercise as well as quality nutrition and realize how truly Important It Is, which should lower the diabetic rate. Goals: 1 . Promote healthy lifestyles to prevent risk factors for pre-dlabetes, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke 2. Improve the detection, control and treatment of risk factors and pre-diabetes for the prevention of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke 3. Improve the detection, control and treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease to prevent complications and disabilities and reduce the severity and progression of disease